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Serving Injury & Accident Victims
in Maryland, Virginia, and DC


Rear End Accident Settlement Cases in Maryland

Rear-end collisionsinstill a feeling of helplessness in our clients. Sustaining injuries because another driver followed too close or failed to stop on time is the ultimate definition of negligence. Since these collisions catch people unexpected and often lead to painful injuries, many Maryland residents are interested in how much they can receive in settlement and

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Bulging Disc After Accident Injury Case Settlements

Sustaining a bulging disc injury in a car accident is always a possibility in Maryland, whether it is a side or rear impact. Clients often inquire on how much would a settlement be for a bulging disc injury and admittedly, these are complex matters. Bulging discs are often linked to physical conditions a plaintiff faced

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Statute of Limitations for Injury Cases in Maryland

Maryland personal injury law offers causes of action that allow plaintiffs to receive compensation for injuries caused by the intentional conduct or negligence of another. However, these options are not around forever. There are time limits called a statute of limitations that limit when you can bring an action and recover damages. You need to

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How Long Will My Case Take to Reach a Settlement?

A vast majority of personal injury cases settle before trial. If evidence strongly indicates one party was negligent and a plaintiff suffered wage loss, pain and suffering, and high medical expenses as a result, there is no reason an insurance company wants to risk losing at trial. However, not all cases are cut and dry.

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Degenerative Disc Disease Caused by Accident

The human spine is an intricate network of small bones called vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. Each vertebra has two joints on the posterior side that connects the vertebrae together forming a column. The spine extends from the base of the skull and through the neck (the cervical spine), between the

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Wal-Mart and Home Depot Premises & Product Liability

Claims against large corporate entities arise for many reasons, but mainly because underpaid and overworked staff tend to be apathetic about maintaining safe conditions. Lawsuits range from slip and fall cases to product liability. There are many opportunities to get hurt in these stores but that does not mean you should avoid pursuing compensation. Main

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Baltimore DUI Arrests Occur Most Frequently at These Intersections

It’s estimated that 28 people die in an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash each and every day. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $44 billion. These numbers are proof that drunk driving remains a countywide issue despite the barrage of public service announcements plastered on billboards, broadcasted on television, and played over the

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Baltimore’s Most Violent Neighborhoods

Baltimore police reported thousands of violent crimes throughout the city in 2016. Baltimore’s Most Violent Neighborhoods Brooklyn The Brooklyn neighborhood, in the city’s Southern district, was the location of more than 180 violent crimes for the year. Assaults, shootings and homicides occurred in various locations in the neighborhood, but several areas stood out among the Baltimore

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