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Serving Injury & Accident Victims
in Maryland, Virginia, and DC


What to Do Immediately After a Tractor-Trailer Accident: A Step-by-Step Guide

Being in a tractor-trailer accident can change your life, sometimes permanently. The massive size and weight of these commercial vehicles mean that in a collision, they can cause severe injuries and significant property damage when you’re on foot, riding your bicycle or motorcycle, or even traveling in a passenger vehicle. When a commercial truck driver,

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Protecting Your Rights: Unveiling the Distinctions Between Tort and Criminal Law

Exploring the Fundamental Differences Legal jargon can often be perplexing, leading to misconceptions and confusion, particularly when it comes to distinguishing between torts and crimes. These terms are frequently misunderstood and wrongly interchanged with one another. However, by delving into the basics of each field of law, we can gain clarity on the disparities between

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How Vehicle Damage Impacts a Car Accident Claim

In the aftermath of a car accident, determining who is at fault is a priority, as the answer dictates which party (or parties) may receive compensation. This question is even more critical in states like Maryland, Virginia, and DC, which follow the contributory negligence standard. In these states, a car accident victim is barred from

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Can a Pedestrian Jaywalker Sue for Injury in Maryland?

Walking or running is a great form of exercise and a good way to get around when you live in a pedestrian-friendly city. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents remain a major problem in Maryland. In 2021, 131 people were killed in pedestrian accidents. To date in 2022, 82 people have been killed after being struck by motor

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Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Law (EUIM)

Being in a car accident can be incredibly traumatic – and may result in steep bills for property damage, medical treatment, and more. In many cases, your losses will be paid for by the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If the other driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your own losses,

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What to Do If You’re in an Uber or Lyft Accident in Maryland

Getting a ride somewhere is more convenient than ever. With rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, you don’t have to try to flag down a taxi. Instead, you can simply input some basic information in an app, and a car will pick you up and take you to where you want to go. Uber and

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What to Do if You’re in an Amazon Truck Delivery Accident

Amazon trucks are a common sight across the country. No matter where you live in Maryland, Virginia, or DC, you’ll see them constantly darting in and out of neighborhoods and business districts. Recent years have seen even more Amazon trucks on the road. In the fall of 2018, Amazon purchased thousands of delivery vans and

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FDA Approves New Eye Test for Concussions: Oculogica EyeBOX

When a person suffers a concussion, it isn’t always obvious right away. Many concussion symptoms don’t show up for days after a person suffers a blow to the head or other injury. A delayed diagnosis can make it harder to get the right treatment – and to fully recover from the injury. Recently, the Food

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