It’s estimated that 28 people die in an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash each and every day. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $44 billion. These numbers are proof that drunk driving remains a countywide issue despite the barrage of public service announcements plastered on billboards, broadcasted on television, and played over the radio.
Unfortunately, Baltimore is no exception to the rest of the country. New data from the city police suggests that intoxicated driving is just as much a problem in Baltimore as it is throughout the U.S. In total, there were 1,752 Baltimore drivers charged with DWIs last year. However, DWIs were not evenly dispersed throughout the city. In fact, a number of intersections saw DWI counts well above the average. Listed below are the five Baltimore intersections with the largest number of drunk driving arrests in 2016.
Last, but not least is the intersection of West Northern Parkway & Falls Road. The junction is located in northern Baltimore in the suburb of Sabina Mattfeldt. The intersection was the location of 9 DWIs last year.
Does the location look familiar? If you look to the right of the Horseshoe casino you’ll notice the Citgo gas station across the street at 1500 Russell Street. It’s understandable that a night out at the casino would result in a few drinks, but if you’ve been drinking you shouldn’t be planning on driving home. The next time you plan a night out at the casino, plan to take an Uber or a Lift to get there and back.
1500 Russell Street is the location of a Citgo Gas Station southwest of Downtown Baltimore. It serves as a fuel station for those coming and going from both I-95 and the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. It’s also located just across the street from the Horseshoe Casino and a few blocks away from the M&T Bank Stadium. In such a high traffic location, it should come as no surprise that the gas station had the third highest number of DWI charges. In total, there were 12 drunk drivers pulled over at 1500 Russell Street last year.
Yet another intersection off of I-100, the junction of I-100 and West Cold Spring Lane ranked as the second most common intersection for drunk driving arrests. The location’s 19 DWI charges serves as yet another reminder why Baltimore drivers should remain alert while traveling on local highways.
Intoxication and high speeds are an incredibly dangerous combination. Yet it would appear drunk driving occurs frequently on I-100. Last year a total of 23 drivers were charged with a DWI on I-100 off of West Northern Parkway. Drivers traveling on local highways should drive with additional precaution, especially at night. You never know who you may be sharing the road with and what condition they may be in.
While you can control your urge to drive after drinking, you can’t curb the urge of other anonymous drivers on the road. Nonetheless, there are actions you can take to protect yourself from drunk drivers. First and foremost, look for the telltale signs of a drunk driver. Common signs of intoxication include unusually wide turns, weaving/zigzagging, driving far below the speed limit, stopping inappropriately, slow reaction times in regards to traffic signals, and the use of turn signals that are inconsistent with driving actions.
If you believe you are sharing the road with an intoxicated driver, you can avoid a collision by using defensive driving tactics. Keep your distance from the vehicle or pull over to allow them to pass. Remain alert and be prepared to take evasive action at any time. Using these tactics, you can keep yourself safe even another individual is engaging in unsafe behavior.
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