(301) 495-3131 Call For a Free Consultation

Serving Injury & Accident Victims
in Maryland, Virginia, and DC

Theft Crimes

Theft is one of the most serious criminal charges. Depending on the value of the property involved, a theft conviction can lead to severe penalties. If you or someone you love faces a possible theft conviction in Maryland, you should not try to handle the matter on your own. Contact the reputable, experienced theft crime defense attorneys at DuBoff & Associates, Chartered today.

There are no minor theft charges

In Maryland, shoplifting, robbery, breaking and entering, car theft, and burglary are listed as crimes of moral turpitude. If you have been convicted of such a crime, you face prison time and fines. If you are an immigrant, a conviction could prevent you from obtaining a permanent visa. Your conviction negatively would impact any job search you ever undertake.

How our sophisticated theft crime lawyers can help

Regardless of the charges, the first thing any criminal defense lawyer needs to help you is time. Retain counsel the moment you believe you are suspected of a theft crime. Do not wait to be arrested, as by the time you are arrested, the state already has a solid enough case against you that they feel confident of a conviction.

Retaining a lawyer earlier rather than later enables your attorney to:

  • Gather evidence and witnesses on your behalf
  • Help you as you are being questioned by the police
  • Answer your questions
  • Explain your options at every step of the process
  • Build an effective case for your defense

DuBoff & Associates, Chartered provides the following help to any of our clients facing theft charges:

  • Assessment: Our skilled criminal defense lawyers assess your case and explore your legal options.
  • Ongoing communication: We keep you informed and respond as soon as possible to your questions and concerns.
  • Skilled representation: We have a long history of success in negotiation and litigation. Our skilled lawyers know how to fight for your rights, freedom and future.

Other criminal charges that we defend our clients against can include violent crimesdomestic offenses and traffic violations.

Maryland theft crime lawyers who care

At DuBoff & Associates, Chartered, we pride ourselves on our reputation for caring, effective, ethical legal defense. We can help you fight a variety of criminal charges, from theft to traffic violations to violent crimes to criminal domestic offenses. We handle cases in California, Washington, D.C. and in every county and city in Maryland, including Bethesda, Bowie, Rockville, Germantown, Easton and Laurel from our offices located in Silver Spring and Baltimore City. Contact us online or at 301.495.3131 today to arrange a consultation.

Home and hospital visits are available to our seriously injured clients who are unable to make it to our office and we offer evening and weekend appointments when necessary. We are pleased to offer free initial consultations in certain cases.



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